Embrace Yourself

In a research by Jung and Lennon (2003), they found that women who considered appearance less important to begin with had higher self-esteem than women who considered personal appearance more important.
For those who placed less importance on appearance, media images had less impact. It explains that when we embrace ourselves as we are it helps build our self-esteem and feeling good about our looks and our bodies which in the end help us feel good about everything that makes us.
Recently with the popularity of social media growing, there was also an increase in dissatisfaction with our beauty. Young girls who were conned by filtered and edited images did not embrace their physical differences. Rates of plastic surgeries increased, concerns with body images started to be seen in young girls, eating disorders were on a scary rise. People started attaching their self-esteem and confidence to their appearances that did not match the filtered social-media perfection.
Today people are genuinely trying to break away from these harmful stereotypes of beauty and stop confining to society standards. But is the messaging helping?
Embrace your beauty
Are you also tired of these statements being displayed everywhere on social media? Why is it so important that we learn to embrace our own beauty?
Every fashion brand in the market today, is talking about inclusivity and body positivity, but how many of these brands actually reflect the same ideals in their offerings?
Modest Fashion is on the rise and modest fashion brands in India are not shying away from having these conversations either. We at Nèmah, your one stop destination for all things modest fashion, are also trying to build a safe space for women to express themselves and provide an easy way to actually embrace YOUrself.
For some, beauty is in the matching earrings, some feel their most beautiful in short hair, some find beauty in comfort and some in caring for nature.
Some women feel confident in beautiful long tops and long dresses while some radiate a different energy when they find the right hijab friendly clothes, some find it in modern chiffon hijabs and new hijab styles.
This category is growing and blooming and women who find beauty in dressing modestly are actually breaking barriers in all important fields today. Modest fashion, although usually associated with religion and patriarchy, is now all about comfort and choice. Many women are using social media to speak about the choice of dressing modestly as it helps them feel beautiful about themselves. We have seen this in the rise of influencers donning abayas, YouTube videos of new hijab styles, rise of hijab fashion and all this, for sure, feels good!
Our best-selling Burkinis are testimony to this, as young women all around the country have realised that modesty in fashion and sport is totally possible, inclusive brands like Némah have been part of this new uprising that has helped many young girls accept and feel empowered to dress modestly without feeling left-out or ugly.
Women today have the freedom to choose how they want to be represented and not be held back for their choice of identity and Némah supports those women and their continuous adventure on equality, growth, and unapologetic individuality by catering to every body type and size.
“Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and let that be only you”